I recently found a feature on this blog contraption that allows me to see all the comments posted on it. While perusing these reader messages, I noticed several for the first time--some of which were months old. Some of which asked questions I'd never answered. Some I had commented back to. I wasn't sure what to do with all the ignored messages. Post a comment back to them? Some were people I didn't even recognize. What are the chances they're still reading my blog, let alone checking back on that specific post for a reply? Then I thought, why not bring all these wonderful little notes to the forefront, and reply in chronological order? Enjoy.
Andrew--9/3/09--Commented on 'Two bags for two years. Fitting? I think so.'
Happy and safe travels Porter!
-Andy, thanks for the well wishes! They were and still are much appreciated.
Andrea--9/6/09--Commented on 'Two bags for two years. Fitting? I think so.'
Are you sure that's enough stuff??!!
-Andrea, if you only knew. It's really starting to look like I brought too much stuff...
Andrea--9/6/09--Commented on 'I have arrived!'
It's beautiful! Have fun, Eric!
-Andrea, isn't it gorgeous? I'm looking forward to getting back to Pohnpei, seeing my first host family again, and kicking it with the rest of my PCV group.
Beth--9/6/09--Commented on 'I have arrived!'
I suspect the surreal-ness will only increase from here on out for quite awhile. Can't wait to hear more. :) --Atkins Roomate the Younger.
Beth, your suspicion was completely accurate. Though somethings have become ordinary, much of my life is still very surreal.
Beverly--9/9/09--Commented on 'I have arrived!'
Congratulations! We at the Stevenson Center are very happy for you!
Beverly, Thanks! I'm happy for me, too.
Joan--9/9/09--Commented on 'I have arrived!'
Congrats!!!! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures and how that thesis project moves along. :) Enjoy the bliss and excitement! Joan
Joan, sorry I've been so awful about keeping up with you on the thesis. I'll send an email soon, update you. Thank you for your encouragement!
Blakeob--9/10/09--Commented on 'A week has passed.'
Miss you buddy, but stoked that you are feeling such a sense of purpose. Proud to know someone with the kidn of courage you're showing right now. Dana and I are thinking about you.
Blake, miss you buddy. Been thinking about you and DB a lot, as usual. Hope she's feeling better.
Sarah--9/18/09--Commented on 'A week has passed.'
I can't believe you're now half a world away! If there's anyone I'd nominate as my ambassador, it'd be you. So delighted that you're already so involved and excited - not that I would expect anything less. Can't wait to hear more!
Sarah, I still can't believe I'm half a world away, except when I'm waiting on mail and packages. Then, it's COMPLETELY believable. Hope I haven't fallen too far from the point where you'd nominate me as ambassador.
Nicole--9/19/09--Commented on 'A week has passed.'
Not surprised one bit you went against your safety and security officer on your first day. Your all sorts of mischief. By the way I've had Kava and its a wonderful drink, I'm sure its treating you well :) Sounds like you are having a blast, I am so happy for you Porter. PS if your living in the jungle does that mean you use jungle leaves for well number 2 j/k.
Nicole, you know me too well. Been missing you friend, and been WICKED impressed by you, after checking up on your Thailand adventure. Wow, Nicole. You're a fuckin' BADASS! Everybody, check out Nicole on youtube.com; search for Tuff Girls. Nicole be reppin' Idaho in an international Muy Thai competition! Oh, and I do use jungle leaves, when the situation calls for it.
Shawn--9/21/09--Commented on 'Two weeks have passed'
Kasalelie! Hi! I'm Shawn. I was a PCV on Yap a couple of years ago, also had a blog going. All was going according to plan (well, not really) until (dum, dum, dummmm) headquarters in DC discovered my blog. I had accidently mentioned some small things that were against the PC handbook. This unfortunate event let to my downfall as a PCV, so be careful about what you post. Yap is the best by the way. You'll LOVE it! I look forward to reading your future posts! In the meantime, have a bowl of sakau for me! Cheers, Shawn http://web.mac.com/shawnpendergrass
Shawn, thanks for the wisdom, buddy. I've taken it to heart and think that my blog has passed the Peace Corps test. Woleai was a tremendous site, fitted me perfectly, but I'm in Houk now, and I think that'll turn out pretty good too. Tried your website a couple times, but it seems to be gone.
Amy--9/21/09--Commented on 'Two weeks have passed'
Porter!!! I'm so excited for you! I'm glad that you are having such a great time (knew you would). Keep us updated when you can. We miss you here but wish you all the best in your adventures. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures... Peace! Amy
Amy, eh? EH? Have I or have I NOT kept you updated? Check-plus. Swish. Domino! Updated and then some. Thank you for your support. It means a lot. Hope you and Joe are living the dream!
Andrew--9/24/09--Commented on 'Two weeks have passed'
Andy, pics of the beard and thu? Hope you liked 'em. How's life in Medford these days? Job?
ChrisWilliamson--10/14/09--Commented on 'Photos'
Wow! Micronesia looks even cooler than I thought! What an experience man! Keep us well updated. Love you.
SnagglePuss, seriously, huh? Freakin' awesome place. Haven't heard from you in a while, dude. Hope you're doing well. Shoot me an update if you get a chance. Miss you, Chris. Love you too.
Pablo (yo)--10/21/09--Commented on 'Three Weeks Flew By'
Great blog!!! If you like, come back and visit mine: http://albumdeestampillas.blogspot.com Thanks, Pablo from Argentina.
Pablo, thanks, fella. Checked your blog back in the day, but I'm not strong enough in my Spanish skills to make much of it.
Jane--10/23/09--Commented on 'Unfortunately these can't be sent in a care package'
hello, I am Jane from Philippines. And I am currently working on a Postcard Project where the goal is to received postcards stamped and written all over the world. Jane enajpostcards.blogspot.com 565 North Poblacion, 6037 Naga, CEBU, PHILIPPINES
jane, sorry I never got around to the postcard thing, but I got a LOT of these posts. Hopefully you've gotten an FSM stamp for your collection.
Blakeob--10/24/09--Commented on 'Unfortunately these can't be sent in a care package'
Hey buddy - I've got a letter on the way but I'm not sure how long until it gets to ya. Great post. And yeah...that really sucks that you always take Dana's side. I guess I can't blame you though, since she's usually representing the correct argument. I was dissapointed in the loin cloth pic. Wish it would have been better blackmail material. hope you get the letter soon!
Blake, speaking of letters (over a year ago) did you get my most recent letter yet? If not, I have a digital copy and will send it to you. By now, I'll bet you've got all the blackmail you'll ever need. Did you SEE that latest thu pic? Definite buttcheek goin' on there.
megan--10/24/09--Commented on 'Photo Essay: Sept. 27th-Oct. 23rd'
the skies! i would like for those skies to be above me right now. its nice to see your smiling face. thanks for the midterm study break. hope your today is beauty-filled.
megan, such gorgeous skies in Micronesia, I know. I hope Cleveland is giving you something beautiful to enjoy, as well. Hope you're having an awe-filled day!
Sherti--10/25/09--Commented on 'Photo Essay: Sept. 27th-Oct. 23rd'
This post has been removed by the author
Sherti, this is a very confusing post. What are you trying to say? Are you suggesting I remove those pictures? Who are you, and what business of yours is it? HUH?! PUNK! NON-BUSINESS! THAT'S WHAT! I'm just kidding, I know this is a message telling me that YOU deleted your post. Been curious about it ever since...
Nicole--10/27/09--Commented on 'Unfortunately these can't be sent in a care package'
Turkey Bowl without you won't be the same. I'll miss hanging out with you this winter and catching up. I always enjoyed those times, I looked forward to those every year.
Nicole, ah... T-Bowl. Can't wait till I'm back in the fray, and can't wait till we can have a nice long chat to catch up on the past couple years.
Radka--11/1/09--Commented on 'Photo Essay: Sept. 27th-Oct. 23rd'
Hello, you have a very nice blog, Have a nice day, Radka.
Radka, thank you. That's a very nice comment, and I hope you've been having many nice days since you made it.
Andy--11/10/09--Commented on 'Did I say the first three weeks of training flew by?'
It's Andy Lucas, for some reason my google account forced me to use the name Andrew and not Andy. Probably because that's how I have the name set on my gmail. I was thinking about you just last night as I sat down in a chair and it wobbled slightly. This was the same chair we (read, you and Aaron, not me, although I witnessed it) broke during that uber EPIC night of John's Birthday. :) EPIC! And you're much easier to wrestle when you're drunk.
Andy, sorry 'bout that chair, buddy. And, yes, I am easy to beat when drunk. Please, always use this great and terrible power for good, never for evil.
Beverly--1/26/10--Commented on 'Intermediate--Mid'
Hi, Porter! I look forward to hearing from you. Beverly Beyer Stevenson Center for Community & Economic Development Illinois State University
Hey, Beverly! I know this was a LONG time ago, and that you heard from me after it, but I'll get another email to you here soon.
Greg--3/1/10--Commented on 'B-Town vs. Woleai'
Interesting. Always wanted to get there. PMA let us down when in Yap and we hadn't time for the boat. Are they still wearing loincloths? Do you? Woman's apparel? Do they speak a dialect of their own or has English taken over? Is Tuba distilled like Arak (Indonesia, etc.) or just fermented, with potency of beer or wine? What percentage of the people have electricity?
Greg, Woleai is SO AWESOME! I'm sorry you weren't able to make it there. They do still wear loinclothes (called 'thu' or 'mengaagu feliuwashe', the latter meaning 'clothing of our island'), I DEFINITELY rock the thu (still do in Houk, too), and the women rock lavalava, a beautiful and intricate woven wrap skirt. They speak Woleaian, similar to other Micronesian tongues but distinct enough to be its own language. English is becoming more and more prominent, but Woleaian is in no danger of disappearing any time soon. The locals don't often distill faluba, though I was able to try some during my time there. It's freakin' good! They know how to distill, but I imagine they decide against it because of the time commitment. On Falalap (the main island), everyone has electricity. The other islands are equipped with solar, but only a few people have personal panels. Hope that answers your questions. Ask more if you have them (and still read this)!
Semprilibri--4/22/10--Commented on 'Ha!'
Hello! Excellent blog and great job! I'd like to have your Flag on my flag counter. I need your help for my collection… So, please, simply visit my website about “unusual stamps”: http://www.eryx.it/dentelli/index.htm Greetings and good luck!
Semprilibri, another stamper, eh? Well, I never made it to your site, but I'll do that right now. Thanks for you words of kindness.
Jack--6/4/10--Commented on 'B-Town vs. Woleai'
Was on one of the small islands in 86. Have [fond] memories and good friends left there. Maybe one day I'll get back...
Looks like the Micro Spirit !! Spent 10 days on her..
Jack, which island were you on? Clearly it was outer islands of Yap, since you know the Micro Spirit. Would love to hear more about your experience.
megan--6/9/10--Commented on 'A dream is ending...'
megan, hug back.
Beth--6/14/10--Commented on 'Clever men'
This makes laugh every time I watch it. Yes, many repeat watchings. The question is, do you think you are more funny than I do, or the reverse?
Beth, come on, of course I think I'm funnier. Did you not see all that smugness on my face? Glad you enjoyed the video.
Sarah--6/18/10--Commented on 'A dream is ending...'
Porter, Porter! You make my heart break and feel angry on your behalf! I am with you in spirit and sending loads of hugs your direction. Still hoping we'll get a chance to talk one of these days. BE WELL my friend, you have already given so much to the people of Woleai, the residents of Houk will be lucky to have you. I know this because I've experienced it first hand!
Sarah, thank you so much. These words were a great comfort and still are. Hope you're doing well today, Sarah.
Nick--9/11/10--Commented on 'HOLY SHI...'
Hey Porter, I'm reading the blog, and understand you've moved. I'm glad to hear you'll still get a chance to return to Woleai occasionally. (One thing left unexplained: what was your attraction to an outer island? Knowing little about the region, I wonder what the cultural differences might be. Looking forward to hearing about your new situation and your new community. All well here. --nick
Nick, glad to know things are good with you. For me, the outer islands had many attractive features. On a professional level, they have much fewer resources and are more in need of the service Peace Corps offers. On a personal level, I knew the life would be simpler, more isolated, and simply better suited to me and the kind of experience I was looking for (still am looking for). I wanted to cut back, and I've been doing that. Also, the culture is more traditional and salient in everyday life. It's a beautiful experience, one I'm immensely grateful to be having.
Pops--10/30/10--Commented on 'On to Houk w/Stop At Lamotrek, Around ' & 'Traveling Porters (Mom and Pops in Yap!)
The picture of the cribbage board hurts! Pops
Eric, I miss you son! Pops
Pops, I've been missing you too, and that cribbage board ought to hurt. STINK HOLED! (A note to non-cribbers, the be stink holed, is to be beaten by one point)
Sarah--11/12/10--Commented on 'A tidal wave of doubt'
My dear friend, my heart goes out to you as you are missing Andy and dealing with loss and challenges! I know how dark and wretched these storms of doubt and disgust can be. Here is one voice offering as much love for and faith in your character as I can communicate. Your ability to acknowledge your struggles is proof enough of your strength to grow through them. Hold on Porter, feel what you feel and let the negative weights pass away. Your soul has been crafted by God! You are a man of God's shaping, loved and respected by all who know you. May God's peace find you now my friend. Sarah
Sarah, again, you provide words of great comfort. I'm so lucky to have you as a friend in my life.
Nicole--11/25/10--Commented on 'Some Perspective'
Everybody goes through phases of ruin and rebuild. My friend, realize that with ruin comes more understanding of yourself. You become more aware of what your heart needs and wants rather than your ego. Reading all these updates I see you constantly re-finding yourself on this journey. Keep up all the work you do, you are an amazing individual!
Nicole, no doubt, no doubt. Dark comes before the light, and it's cresting the ridge as we type. Thank you for this message.
Amy--11/30/10--Commented on 'Some Perspective'
Hey! Glad you are finding some joy! We all experience life differently so I'm not going to say that I've been there, but things can get pretty rough out there in the jungle, bush, coast, steppe, etc. for even the strongest folks. Hang in there and do what you need to do to stay with it...even if that means spending way to much of your stipend to get to a decent shower/restaurant you enjoy/shop that sells that beer you like...whatever. Blessings!
Amy, thanks for the advice, it's always good coming from you. Hope your prep for Liberia is coming along smoothly!
Michael Everson--12/9/10--Commented on 'First Month or so in Woleai'
I'm wondering if while you were in Woleai you saw any examples of the Woleai script, a writing system dating perhaps from 1905 and which was in use at least in the 1950s.
Michael, I have seen the Woleaian script, but from what I can tell, it's no longer in use on the island. It certainly is not in common usage. The Roman alphabet has supremacy, which is too bad, That Woleaian script was really cool!