Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Some Perspective

So the blog has taken a bit of a downer tone as of late, yes? As a friend recently commented, I sound 'broken'. Well, I'd like to strive for a bit more balance and hopefully demonstrate my very much not-broken-ness-scousity... Anyhow, here's a clip from an email I just sent my pops this week. I'm doing okay, please don't worry.

"Thank you for the encouragement, Pops. This experience has certainly lived up to the whole 'life changing' billing it received from everyone I talked to about Peace Corps before joining. What's most amazing to me, right now, is how this has become the hands down most turbulent time in my life (physically, emotionally, locationally) and yet, I'm finding new, unimagined and incredibly deep levels of peace, happiness, joy, and child-like mirth. My blog has been a little heavy on the somber notes lately, but just yesterday, I was buying some groceries, and thought of a silly little joke from some TV show. The impulse to laugh out loud and my full-bodied reaction to the humor of it was overwhelming--stronger than the reactions I recall having while in the States. In some ways, I'm a more reflective, serious, anxious and sad person than I was before, but I'm also much happier, more joyful, silly, relaxed, laid back and peaceful than ever in my life. And it's all that much more special, important, and eye-opening to me for the juxtaposition. If I can be feeling these positive moments so viscerally WHILE I'm also burdened by the other side of the coin, just imagine when it's lifted! Such an exciting time to be alive!"


  1. Everybody goes through phases of ruin and rebuild. My friend, realize that with ruin comes more understanding of yourself. You become more aware of what your heart needs and wants rather than your ego. Reading all these updates I see you constantly re-finding yourself on this journey. Keep up all the work you do, you are an amazing individual!

  2. Hey! Glad you are finding some joy! We all experience life differently so I'm not going to say that I've been there, but things can get pretty rough out there in the jungle, bush, coast, steppe, etc. for even the strongest folks. Hang in there and do what you need to do to stay with it...even if that means spending way to much of your stipend to get to a decent shower/restaurant you enjoy/shop that sells that beer you like...whatever. Blessings!
