Saturday, September 19, 2009

Two weeks have passed

My host father brought me to his police station today, to use the internet -- big step up from the bus stop wireless I used last week. I have now spent more time in Pohnpei than I have left here. It may only be a matter of weeks (quite a small chunk of the two plus years ahead), but it still seems pretty wild. The time spent here has been great and a really smooth transition into a new culture.

A week from yesterday (Saturday for me, Friday for most of you), I'll be heading out to Yap -- the western-most state of the FSM. The following six weeks will be spent on the main island of Yap, and my training will focus on learning the language, some acculturation stuff specific to Yap and teaching skills. Once that month and a half is done, I'm moving on to Woleai! It's an outer island atoll of Yap, very traditional, and I'll be wearing a loin cloth, which I'm sure many of you will get a kick out of (don't worry, I'll post the photos).

Other than site placement day and some more training, not a lot went down during this past week. A fellow volunteer (Mike) did teach my host father some Brazilian jujitsu moves on Monday night, though. Things picked up Friday night with a party at my house. Mike and Matt came over with their families, as well as many relatives of my host family (I'm starting to think they're related to everyone in Pohnpei). We drank sakau, ate barbecued chicken, and played music all night long. I even got to help with the pounding of the kava roots (the plant sakau comes from). It was a great night - spent most of Saturday recovering. Also on Saturday, we hiked up the ridge to see some big guns left by the Japanese after WWII. They're HUGE! Today we went to church and looks like that's about all that's going on, aside from this internet trip.

Well, my battery is dying and I didn't bring the power chord. So check back later and maybe I'll have the photos from this week posted. You stay classy, Planet Earth.

P.S. Oh yeah, I meant to mention that once I make it to Woleai, there won't be any internet connection. So, this blog will only get updated every few months (when I head to the main island for training or resource trips). Sorry if that loses some of you, but the best thing for you to do at that point is start sending me letters - big props to Kc, Katie, and Jo for having started that revolution. Your letters are greatly appreciated!


  1. Kasalelie!

    Hi! I'm Shawn. I was a PCV on Yap a couple of years ago, also had a blog going. All was going according to plan (well, not really) until (dum, dum, dummmm) headquarters in DC discovered my blog. I had accidently mentioned some small things that were against the PC handbook. This unfortunate event let to my downfall as a PCV, so be careful about what you post.

    Yap is the best by the way. You'll LOVE it! I look forward to reading your future posts! In the meantime, have a bowl of sakau for me!



  2. Porter!!! I'm so excited for you! I'm glad that you are having such a great time (knew you would). Keep us updated when you can. We miss you here but wish you all the best in your adventures. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures...



    Have fun out there buddy.
